Monday, July 13, 2009

Super Short Summer

Hi Guys!
We all knew I wouldn't be too good at this blog stuff...I mean hear it is July and my last blog was in March...yikes! But I thought I might do a quick reccap of the summer since it is rapidly coming to an end. We started our summer with a bang...Megan jumped off a chair and broke her right arm. So we spent the Friday night of the last day of school in the Henry County ER. It was not a fun time and let me say that summer is not summer with a broken arm. I had scheduled both the girls for swimming lessons the first week we were out...needless to say Megan didn't get to take her lessons. Macey Moo did though and she did really well for a three year old :-) I was very proud of her. We have been visiting the library pretty often this summer. I am trying to teach my children what a wonderful palce the library is :-) Megan always wants to run around and hide in the shelves but I must say I think I have finally trained her not to do this!

On June 23rd we celebrated Megan's 5th birthday at home with family. We didn't do the big water slide birthday we had planned...because of the broken arm of course. It was Cars themed and Megan and Macey helped make the cake.

On June 26th we got a new addition to the family. Addison Kate was born to Uncle Kevin and Aunt Erin. She is beautiful and I think Megan would kidnap her and bring her to live with us if she could.
We went to Lake Sinclair for 9 days the week before the 4th of July. We had a blast! We bought Megan this rubber "cast protector" so that she could swim with us...It worked for the most part but it smelled like garbage that had been sitting out for weeks when she would take it off. It was gross. My sister Jennifer and nephew Jordan joined us for 4 days of this vacation. It was the first time they had been able to actually spend the night with us there and we all had so much fun.
Macey was a little adventurer during this trip. She went tubing with me and she wasn't even afraid of the fireworks. Last year she screamed and cried and opted to stay with Grammy instead going out on the boat to see them. This year I stuffed some toilet paper in her ears and she was good to go :-) We leave on Wednesday of this week to go to St. Simon's Island with Al, Robyn, Jake and Baby Rayce. I am certain we will have a blast if we can just make through the 5 hour drive to get there. I will keep you posted .

Sunday, March 1, 2009

February Happenings

February has been an exciting month for us. We took two trips during my Winter Break this month and the girls and I enjoyed both very much :-) First we took a trip to the Georgia Aquarium with Aunt Erin and Aubrey Kay! Everyone had a fabulous time and we didn't even have any meltdowns...believe it or not! Seeing all the different aquatic animals was fascinating but the best part of all was seeing it through the little ones eyes. The amazement and excitement showed on each ones face and it made the experience so much more meaningful.
We also got to go with my mama (Nana) to see my Grandparents that live in Moultrie. It was so great to see my family that we only get to see about twice a year. Mama Johnson and Paw Paw showed us a great time as usual and we all enjoyed the homemade biscuits that only my grandma can make taste that good. I am also going to including a pic of the girls on Valentine's Day! It is actually snowing while I am writing this entry so hopefully I can get our snow pics up soon!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Macey's Moment of the Month

Macey decided that it would be a fun and exciting thing to get into my make up. Now I must say that I do not provide the best model for putting on lipstick since I rarely wear it but hopefully when I do it does not look like this :-) She had a great time posing for these pics afterward...that is until I went back to my room and discovered that more lipstick was on my carpet than is on her face...hard to believe I know. Needless to say a little soap and water saved her face and little OxiClean and water saved my carpet and her rear end :-)

McKneely Moments Begins

After pondering on whether or not I would actually have time to keep up a blog...and decided that of course I do I am doing it anyway. Why you ask? Well, a wise woman ( yeah, you Erin) once told me that if I would only start a blog my children could one day look back and say...oh yeah...we did that :-) Well, while I am not certain that this blog will provide my children with memories of their childhood, I am sure that it will provide my family and friends many opportunities to crack up at all of the mistakes I make on a daily basis as a parent ! It will also provide me a place to record all of the wonderful little moments that make being a mama the most fulfilling job on this Earth. That being is my first blog entry. May it be the first of many to come.